ACS880 Advanced Features

The ACS880 family of drives improves upon many of the features of the older ACS800.  They have added some new features to make the drives even more user friendly.

ABB ACS880 Advanced Features

Like many ABB drives, the keypad can be remotely mounted and connected with a standard RJ45 Ethernet cable.

One added feature with the ACS880 is that up to 32 drives can be connected to 1 keypad. This feature could be used to commission multiple drives from outside a cabinet without the need for arc-flash gear.

Another advanced feature of this drive is the capability to use ABB’s DDCS (fiber optic) communication network.  This fiber optic link can be used in a master/follower setup. Up to 10 drives can be linked with up to 1000 meters between drives. This fiber optic link is inherently noise immune, especially compared to Ethernet or EtherCAT cables.  The fiber system has a transmission rate of 4 Mbit/s and updates all drives in under 5 ms.

I have this drive setup as a speed controlled master, this one is a speed controlled follower.  Watch the video to see the leader follower set up in action.

If needed, we could also do a torque controlled master and/or a torque matching follower.